
【Oliver & Yohioloid】 The Tattler's Tall Tale 【Vocaloid Original】【Kaleidoscope Haze】

"I wonder how all your lies taste!"

So this song was supposed to be released back before we released Mimicry, and we actually finished it back in September. We started doing a PV for it but eventually had to scratch it due to some issues with the artist. We're really happy to be able to present you with this song, and we hope you'll enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!

Also on NND: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28100230
Music and Oliver tuning: Steampianist (@Steampianist)
Lyrics and Yohioloid tuning: Tsus
Japanese translation: Shius (@smallratt)
Video: .nova (@noy_nova)

This song was made by Project OverDoze (@ProjectOverDoze)


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