Little Whisper, Kiseki 「奇跡」

For my grand-uncle, Yasuo-ojisan, who passed away on Saturday morning at 11am. This is also for my late grand-aunt, Asako-obasan, who has already gone ahead a year and a half ago. I just KNOW, in my heart of hearts, that she had been sitting by the road side just waiting for him!!

Sleep well, and be happy wherever the both of you are at now! Nagai aida, osewa ninarimashita!

Oji-san, oba-san.. rest-in-peace!!

I will SO miss you yelling at me for driving too fast as I zipped past your house on my way to work.. But now that you are not here anymore to holler 'Gora! Gora!' at me, yes, I will drive a little slower ne~ I promise!

*Please watch in HD for the full benefits of a very pretty video made with a lot of tears and heartache..*


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