
【リンキレクス】神のまにまに 踊ってみた

Please watch in HD for the best sync and quality!
HDで見てください ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

→ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26018005

Hello guys! I feel like I've been gone for ages because I've had a super awesome but super busy Easter. As well as recording some dances with Seiza, my friend came from Norway to stay with me so I've been staying away from online sites to spend time with her.

I have so much stuff to catch up on now and I'm heading into my last 6 weeks of school which means LOTS of assignments to do in a relatively short time. Wish me luck!

Anyway, on to the video!

First of all, let me say a big thanks to Mon for letting me use her camera for this video! She suggested this dance to me as well, so really, she's responsible for most of this XD

I went out so many times to try and film this and catch the sakura but they just weren't playing so this is the best I could do. I'm pretty sad because I tried hard to catch them this year and it just didn't work out.

But hey! I got to film in the beautiful Japanese gardens in a local city. They're sooo nice, but of course, since it was such a nice day there were so many people there and I had so many shots with people in the way. I'm lucky I got this one! I even had an audience for a few of the takes. People seemed pretty interested, which was cool XD

Overall, it's been a nightmare trying to get this video recorded though, what with the unsuccessful locations, so right now I'm just glad I got it done XD it's a fun dance and I honestly do love it but dancing in kimono sleeves is more difficult than it looks! I had to change so many moves so that they wouldn't twist up.

It was ridiculously warm when I filmed too, as you can probably tell from the sun. I think this is the first time I've ever been this warm whilst filming. It makes me really happy to know that the cold weather will soon be behind us though!

I can't wait to do more spring/summer videos!

→ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23294752

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Home » プレイリスト » Youtube » 【リンキレクス】神のまにまに 踊ってみた