
When You Wish Upon A Star - Johnny Mathis

Whenever I listen to any song, it always sounds better, as sung by Johnny Mathis. This one is no exception. The song, though beautiful, is lovelier because he's singing it.

"When You Wish Upon A Star" was written by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington.
It was released in the Johnny Mathis/Henry Mancini album, "The Hollywood Musicals" in 1986 and is available for purchase on CD or in mp3 format.

This video is for my granddaughter, Brianna. I love you, Bri.
As my bright, little granddaughter just said, "But, Grandma, you have to be careful what you wish for. You may get it." I didn't think she knew that old saying.

Photos: Thanks to all the fantastic and generous fantasy wallpaper artists that make our computer experiences so much more fun. Couldn't have done this one, for my grandchild, without you and your talent. Some had creator names underneath, so they are below:

Julie Fain (Pirate and Mermaid)
Pygar (Green Fairy looking at bird)
Shalrong (Fairy Touching Star)


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