
Twin home waterbirth (video)

This is the birth of my fourth and fifth child/ren. They are a planned home waterbirth. They are 40w3d in gestation. I am surrounded by three midwives, my husband, my three daughters, and other friends and family. It was an amazing and wonderful birth. They are born one and a half hours apart.

Just so you know, I am having babies...so I am naked. Also, at the end, the birth of the placentas, which are fused, is included. The photo's were too long to include, so I have them seperate...but it is worth it to watch them immediately after the video. Please feel free to repost this, as the more women who see normal birth, the better!

The first song is "Hallelujah" sung by Brandi Carlile.
The second song is called "Two Wooden Spoons" by This is the Kit.

The photos of the birth are here:


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