
SC-88Pro - Silk Road Alice - Seihou Shuusou Gyoku OST Extra Stage (Gensokyo) Theme

Extra Stage (Gensokyo) Theme from 秋霜玉 (Seihou Shuusou Gyoku)
ZUN's Touhou and Seihou MIDIs the way he intended them to be heard: https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,18989.0.html


Recorded on a real SC-88Pro. ® ZUN / 上海アリス幻樂団
Shuusou Gyoku (秋霜玉) was the first game in the Seihou Project (西方) series, released in 2000 by Amusement Makers. It had 20 MIDI tracks by ZUN (of Touhou Project fame) for the Roland SC-88Pro Sound Canvas hardware module. It's most famous for its extra stage, set in Gensokyo, where Marisa Kirisame and Reimu Hakurei appear as bosses.

秋霜玉 (Seihou Project 1: Shuusou Gyoku) original SC-88Pro soundtrack playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzdQcm51guT8_7wBWFgEZia3FcGqeEqbx

ZUN's comment:

Silkroad Alice: A girl that came from the West It's definitely very silk road. How everyone's dying their hair brown, how all the farms are signing up with JA, how the Japanese moe maid population is increasing. Everything passes down this road, sometimes while it's being arranged. No doubt about it. (Wild delusions)

The extra stage theme.

I tried making a Touhou-esque song for once. It's Japanese style and new-agey, and uses Japanese instruments.

Japanese instruments and piano go together very well. Like maybe hichiriki and piano (like Hideki Togi)...

Anyway, I'm sure various instruments must have travelled the silk road, bringing with them various fantasies. Our maid heroine must also travel the silk roa- (abridged)

Silkroad Alice : 西からやってきた少女 やっぱシルクロードですよね。猫も杓子も茶髪にするのも、農協がJAになるのも、日本人にメイド萌人口の増加も。 全ては、この道を通って、時にはアレンジされながらやってきたに違いない。(妄想)


うって変わって東方な曲を目指しました。 和風ニューエイジチックに、和風な楽器も使っています。


とにかく、楽器もシルクロードを通って来たのかと思うと色々と幻想してしまう。 メイドさんもシルクロードを通っ(略)

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