
SC-88Pro - Magical Girl's Crusade - Seihou Shuusou Gyoku OST Erich's Theme

Stage 5 Boss - Erich's Theme from 秋霜玉 (Seihou Shuusou Gyoku)
ZUN's Touhou and Seihou MIDIs the way he intended them to be heard: https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,18989.0.html

DATA0010.mid (aka Magical Girl Crusade)

Recorded on a real SC-88Pro. ® ZUN / 上海アリス幻樂団
Shuusou Gyoku (秋霜玉) was the first game in the Seihou Project (西方) series, released in 2000 by Amusement Makers. It had 20 MIDI tracks by ZUN (of Touhou Project fame) for the Roland SC-88Pro Sound Canvas hardware module. It's most famous for its extra stage, set in Gensokyo, where Marisa Kirisame and Reimu Hakurei appear as bosses.

秋霜玉 (Seihou Project 1: Shuusou Gyoku) original SC-88Pro soundtrack playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzdQcm51guT8_7wBWFgEZia3FcGqeEqbx

ZUN's comment:

Let's challenge ourselves with the sort of light fantasy you only find in games. Well, you can't have fantasy without mentioning the Children's Crusade (wrong). But, in the end they were sold to slavers, and many threw themselves into the sea rather than face such a fate~ Such a magnificent fantasy. (No, that's not right.)

This is the theme for the stage 5 boss, Erich.

Man! This song is just full of awesome. Of course, it's fantas-tic awesome.

At this point, there's really no difference between this and Touhou music (lol)

Touhou was pretty much full of songs like this (^^;

ようやくゲームならではのライトファンタジーに挑戦。 ってことで、ファンタジーといえば、もちろん少年十字軍(違)。でも、やっぱり奴隷商人に売られり、それを嫌がって自害したり、海に飛び込んだりしたんだろうな~。 すばらしきファンタジー。(だから違うって)


もう!格好良さのみ重現しました。 もちろん、ファンタジックに格好良く。




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