
Feel The Melody - S3RL feat Sara

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• Emfa Music

Purchase Radio Edit (iTunes): http://itunes.apple.com/au/album/feel-melody-feat.-sara-single/id557895167
Purchase Radio Edit (Amazon): http://www.amazon.com/Feel-the-Melody-feat-Sara/dp/B0094U2I1Q

Purchase DJ Edit (Beatport): http://www.beatport.com/track/feel-the-melody-original-mix/3775290
Purchase DJ Edit (Trackitdown): http://www.trackitdown.net/track/s3rl-feat-sara/feel-the-melody-original-mix/...

Listen: https://soundcloud.com/s3rl
Like: https://www.facebook.com/DJ.S3RL.Official.Fan.Page

Apologies for the lyrics error with bass drum (I am fully aware it says drop). I had made this video before the song was released and had to play everything by ear. It wasn't until after this video aired that S3RL uploaded this track to his channel with the full lyrics.

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