
Hiouden 【緋王伝】 PC-9801 OST OPN Version

Composed, Arranged by Ryota Furukawa and Motoi Sakuraba
Produced by Wolfteam. ©1992.

0:00 OPN Sesame (Unused Test Tone?)
0:18 The Scarlet King (Opening)
2:57 Breaking the Urn (Prologue)
6:52 The Parting of the Sea (Battlefield Theme #1)
10:00 They're Not Even Human... (Event Scene #1)
12:26 Don't Lose Faith (Battlefield Theme #2)
15:43 Even the Greatest Can Fall (Game Over)
17:25 Unyielding (Battlefield Theme #3)
20:06 I Won't Let You Go, Macaulay! (Event Scene #3)
22:26 Fanfare!
22:32 Weep (Even Scene #4)

Happy New Year!

So, we all survived Mayan Doomsday, and life goes on. How boring. To keep myself entertained, I dug up and played this game and I think you should too. Here's Hiouden for the NEC PC-98, a realtime strategy game where you command demons and kick ass. Think Bullfrog's Syndicate Wars running on an 80286, but with better music, monsters and 2000% more color.
Like many Wolfteam titles made during their final years before becoming Namco Tales Studio, Hiouden has this characteristic "polised but flawed" feel to it (like Microsoft software products). The presentation is gorgeous, but the controls can get stupid at times and your units sometimes go out of control.
In 1994, a remake was released on the Super Famicom.

Sound recorded from Hoot. Screenshots fom Neko Project II.

These are not official titles. I made them up, because I think the songs deserve better titles than a nondescript "Intro" or "Stage 1-5" like what the official soundtrack listing does.

To be correct, the screenshots you see is Hiouden running on an emulated PC-9801VM. The original PC-9801 has graphics which some may compare to those of a VIC-20. The VM brought the 16-color graphics to the table, and is probably what most people refer to when they mention the PC-98.

Official soundtrack listing (VGMdb): http://vgmdb.net/album/8683
PC-98 Intro http://euc.jp/articles/pc9800.en.html
Hoot Music Archive: http://snesmusic.org/hoot/v2/
Hoot FAQ: http://snesmusic.org/hoot/v2/faq.php
Hoot Music Player: http://dmpsoft.s17.xrea.com/hoot/index.html#program (Japanese)


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