
Bukkene Bruse - Haugebonden

Traditional Norwegian Christmas song in three variations. The title means "The hill farmer". Live, 2002. Bukkene Bruse are: Arve Moen Bergset (vocal, hardingfele / Hardanger fiddle, fiddle/violin), Annbjørg Lien (hardingfele / Hardanger fiddle, nyckelharpa), Steinar Ofsdal (flutes), and Bjørn Ole Rasch (keyboards). If anyone knows which church this concert was held in, please send me a message or make a comment. The poor picture and sound quality is due to the fact that this was originally recorded to video (VHS).
More from the same concert here:

The song is released on Bukkene Bruse's album "Den fagraste rosa" (Grappa, 2001).

The song tells the story of farmers who raised special trees regarded as sacred in Telemark in ancient times. On Christmas Eve they traditionally chopped down one of these to use as a Christmas tree. One peasant had a chat with the "spirit of the grove" when he was out fetching his tree.

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