
Our Unassisted Home Birth - Full Naked Truth Version

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Our unassisted home birth, full naked truth version. ★ Click here now → http://www.dragonslayeracademy.com ★ and discover how you can make a residual income online starting today!

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This is the story of our unassisted home birth. We had planned to do a water birth, but the universe had different ideas. Victoria was in intense labour have contractions every 10 to 15 minutes for 3 days before full labor came on and then the birth was very quick. Probably less than 90 minutes altogether.

We decided to have the birth at home so it could be natural as possible and our baby's transition into the world could be gentle as possible. We decided against any medical intervention or assistance from medical personell such as midwives, as we did not want any interference with our intentions, conscious or unconscious.

The birth was very straightforward, apart from the baby's cord being wrapped tightly around baby's neck, which Matthew was able to unwind and allow the baby to then birth easily and quickly.

We had planned to do a lotus birth and have the umbilical cord stay attached to the placenta until it falls away naturally after a number of days, but Victoria was unable to birth the placenta, so 12 hours after the birth, Matthew tied 2 pieces of cord onto the umbilical cord and with some scissors that had been boiled cut the cord.

Leaving the cord attached for so long meant that Baby Indigo was able to receive the very important nutrition that is still pulsating from the placenta into his body. This includes the T-cells that help make a very strong immune system. 12 hours seemed to be enough anyway and the umbilical cord was dry and empty by that time, which made for an easy cut with little chance of festering and allowing it to heal much quicker than it might have done otherwise.

After 2 days the placenta had still not been birthed so we made the decision to seek medical intervention and went to the maternity ward in the hospital. There a very lovely Doctor from the Sudan was able to manually extract the placenta from Victoria's womb with her hand. Victoria breathed on gas and air while this took place.

It was the first time the maternity ward had seen such a case as ours. A placenta that had not been birthed for 2 days and also Victoria received no anaesthetic for the procedure. their initial diagnosis was that she would have to go under general anaesthetic and may need a C-section. We said that we wanted to avoid this and we did. Indigo is now 5 months old and is super strong, healthy and very advanced for his age.
he is fed 100% mothers milk. Both Matthew and Victoria are vegan. Unassisted home birth video full naked truth version.


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