
Breech vaginal birth, frank breech

There are 3 types of breech pregnancies:
🔷Frank breech🔷
The buttocks are in place to come out first during delivery. The legs are straight up in front of the body, with the feet near the head. This is the most common type of breech position. Up to 70% of breech pregnancies are frank breech.
🔷Complete breech🔷
The buttocks are down near the birth canal. The knees are bent, and the feet are near the buttocks.
🔷Footling breech🔷
One leg or both legs are stretched out below the buttocks. The leg or legs are in place to come out first during delivery.

This birth is a first time mom who came in fully dilated and well supported by her partner and providers in a vaginal breech birth.

Best position for birthing a breech baby is usually on all fours, which is well seen in this video.

You can see that this position allows baby and mommy lots of space within the pelvis to perform the mechanics of breech birth.

In this position, the mother will also have a natural bearing down effort that brings her bottom close to the ground and literature is specific to point this out in breech births. Literature says that the mother will sense if she is close to sitting on her baby and she will come up higher all on her own as to not hurt her baby. And what we see here is the mother bearing down and then backing off to protect her baby while being aided upwards by staff to allow space and a clear view to the provider who is watching the baby’s descent, which is vital in assisting a vaginal breech birth.

The baby’s head lost a little bit of flexion(chin tucked down) and the provider felt the need to assist in the birth of the baby’s head.

@obstetra_bianka_manhaes on IG is an advocate for vaginal breech births and teaches all of her students how to assist these births.

Baby and mother are happy and well. Mother only suffered a small laceration.

VideoCred: @obstetra_bianka_manhaes on IG


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