
Who created emojis? A look at the history, origin and meaning of emoji

Who invented the emoji? What is the meaning of "Emoji"?The emoji has become a very popular and often used item in today's world.So I wanted to take a look at the history and origin of the iconic faces we use to express ourselves.

I always thought The Emoji became popular in recent years. Little did I know they have been around for almost 20 and popular throughout that whole time! Back in the late 90's a man named shigetaka kurita created what would be the first set of emojis.They became very popular in Japan and didn't spread beyond the region until over a decade later! Now they are used by millions of people on a daily basis and can be found on thousands of items. They have conventions and even a national emoji day! Soon there will even be an emoji movie! I'm not sure why... Regardless the history of the emoji is rather interesting and something I didn't expect from these silly faces. Love it or hate it the emoji is here to stay. It will forever be associated with this era in time, for better or worse.


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