Rowan (A Freebirth Story)

My best friend Emily is about to so something some women only dream of. An unassisted free homebirth. She has had 2 homebirths assisted by midwives already. She is also a Doula she even attended the birth of my daughter! (Thank you Emily) She and her Husband have taken courses on unassisted birth. She and her kids also love to watch births. So she is VERY open to her kids about birth.

She is ready to do this on her own terms without instruction, letting her instincts kick in!

This is the 1st part of a 2 part series on unassisted birth. The days leading up to the birth as well as the birth of their precious baby.

The 2nd part will cover the post partum and placenta care as well as a debrief from Emily, Cameron, and I.
I hope you guys enjoy this story! It has been a very healing experience for me.

Be safe. Be smart. Know your rights. Know your options.
Take back birth!

Links, books, and podcasts!

Spinning babies website

HERBAL offers a freebirth course! She did take that one. Great info there as well and its has a huge list of other books and resources to check out.


Home Birth On Your Own Terms by Heather Baker.

The unassisted baby by Anita Evenson

Unassisted Childbirth by Laura Shanley.

Emergency Childbirth: a manual by Gregory White


The freebirth society

They also offer a freebirth course on their website.

Taking back birth podcasts are full of great info and need to be listened in order. Great to follow along as your pregnancy progresses!



Music found here,

Song: A Quiet Thought
Artist: Wayne Jones

Song: Baby Steps
Artist: Nate Blaze

Song: Melissa
Artist: Eveningland

Song: Silky Smooth
Artist: Audio Hertz

Song: Stars and Constellations
Artist: Sarah, The Instrumentalist

Song: Jindupe
Artist: Lauren Duski


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