
SC-88Pro - Mechanical Circus ~ Reverie - Seihou Shuusou Gyoku OST Marie's Theme

機械サーカス ~ Reverie
Stage 4 Boss - Marie's Theme from 秋霜玉 (Seihou Shuusou Gyoku)
ZUN's Touhou and Seihou MIDIs the way he intended them to be heard: https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,18989.0.html


Recorded on a real SC-88Pro. ® ZUN / 上海アリス幻樂団
Shuusou Gyoku (秋霜玉) was the first game in the Seihou Project (西方) series, released in 2000 by Amusement Makers. It had 20 MIDI tracks by ZUN (of Touhou Project fame) for the Roland SC-88Pro Sound Canvas hardware module. It's most famous for its extra stage, set in Gensokyo, where Marisa Kirisame and Reimu Hakurei appear as bosses.

秋霜玉 (Seihou Project 1: Shuusou Gyoku) original SC-88Pro soundtrack playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzdQcm51guT8_7wBWFgEZia3FcGqeEqbx

ZUN's comment:

The boss is huge, so I wanted a mechanical feeling title, so I very straight-forwardly used the word mechanical. So, what about Circus? Originally, I thought maybe I'd name the last boss theme "Murderous Circus", but it seemed over the top *sweatdrop* So, the Circus ended up here. This name quite splendidly disregards the game's atmosphere (lol)

This is the theme for the stage 4 boss, Marie.

"Here it comes!" is how this song feels to me. The melody and atmosphere are just like the songs I wrote for Touhou.

Anyway, it's not too fast, and it's pretty cool, so I'm quite satisfied with this song.

Even so, the melody is pretty simple and easy to remember. Maybe it'll get stuck in your head during the boss fight.

大型ボスということで、機械チックなタイトルにしようと、ものすごくストレートに機械とつけました。 サーカスは、最初からラスボスのテーマ曲名は殺人サーカスにしよう、と考えていたのですが、やばめだったので(汗)ここで使いました。 見事にゲームの雰囲気を無視した曲名(笑)


でたな~、とか思う方がいそうな感じ。 東方の頃からなんも変わらない雰囲気の曲調です。




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