
Parody of Rotting Root (A song by Dir en Grey)

First video i had ever made o_o most of the parody lyrics were made by my (now ex) boyfriend at the time, who was the drummer of the band i was in. I chose the pictures, the the crappy ms paint shooping to make kyo have an owl on his arm, and the crap text on the crap pictures all made in crappy windows moviemaker. what a load of crap :D with bad sound quality. but the comedy is still there, at least.

People are saying to make more videos but well, i dont use this account anymore. ive moved on to a new account becuase i hate this account name now.

Ive moved on to be MaliMaliMalDollMalic (forgot the E at the end, so i fail) and i do not plan to make any more videos of this nature, unless i somehow become inspired later, in which case, i would use my current boyfriends mac for making videos, cause windows sucks for making videos (windows sucks for most things unless you wanna actually play games)


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