
Othmar Schoeck: Cello Concerto, Op. 61 - IV Lento - Molto Allegro

Johannes Goritzki, Cello/Dirigent - Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss

I would like to thank my friend Cygnebleu for introducing me to the beautifully melodic and harshly cathartic world of Othmar Schoeck. His place as a relatively obscure composer should never dampen the lustre and fire one feels from his music, much as with a figure like Moisey Weinberg or Mussorgsky at his blinding best in his Sunless cycle.

Cygnebleu's channel is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/cygnebleu - his page is of interest, for it has some more of the music of Othmar Schoeck, but it also has some of his own poetry whose rhythm to me is reminiscent of Milhaud's music.
His channel also has "Lebendig Begraben", Schoeck's setting of Keller's eponymous poem cycle -- Recommended listening!
Othmar Schoeck has a facebook group! If you appreciate his music and want to hear more, then please join: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=63735494536&ref=ts

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