James Brown and the Civil Rights Movement

While most everyone knows him for his incredible music and legendary dance moves, James Brown was very involved with helping to address the social issues of his time, and was a vocal advocate for education and civil rights.

"While most everyone knows him for his incredible music
and legendary dance moves,

James Brown was very involved with helping to address
the social issues of his time,
and was a vocal advocate for education and civil rights.

With songs like "America Is My Home," and the game-changing
rallying cry "Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud"

his message still resonates today with African-American youth
and audiences all over the world.

James Brown's "I'm Black and I'm Proud"
was an affirmation of self respect

and it was a challenge to others to respect themselves
and to respect him.

Everybody was trying to think of what to say about
Martin Luther King getting shot,

about the situation in America, the Civil Rights Movement
everybody just wanted to know how to capsulize it.

And so when James Brown said "Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud"
that said it. That's It. So when he said it, everyone hollored back
"I'm Black and I'm Proud".

Brought to you by the folks at SHOUT! factory,
a group of people dedicated to preserving the legacy
of artists like James brown."


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