Autology Discology / 7 Nation Army

music: 'Seven Nation Army' by The White Stripes

Intermedijski plesni pop dogodek / A mixed media dance pop event

Avtorja / Artists: Samo Gosarič, Jelena Milovanović
Termin / Date: Sreda, 28. decembra 2011, ob 21. uri / Wednesday, 28th December 2011 at 9 pm
Lokacija / Location: Projektna soba Ljudmile / Ljudmila's project room, Rimska 8, Ljubljana

The mixed media dance pop event Autology Discology is a continuation of the 2008 project Autobiography Discography. It addresses the deconstruction of choreography through the use of selected pop music and cooperation models for free choreographies as practiced by Alice Chauchat. The main theme forming the instructions that control the dance moves can be found in the selection of five popular songs (from various genres) from the artist's personal discography ; for pop music is inscribed into our consciousness through totally unconscious principles. We sing the lyrics without ever wondering how stupid they truly are, we dance to music without realising the repetitiveness of the moves, and we whistle melodies that have managed to wiggle their ways into our memory without us ever knowing the lyrics

Ekipa / Team: Samo Gosarič in Jelena Milovanović (avtorja / artists), Slavko Glamočanin (programiranje, elektronika / programming, electronics), Tina Avšič (video animacija / video animation), Ida Hiršenfelder (svetovanje, tekst / advisor, text), Simon Bergoč (glasbena interpretacija / interpretacija glasbe v živo / musical interpretation / live music interpretation), Robertina Šebjanič (svetovanje, koordinacija / advisor, coordination)

Prevod / Translation: Sunčan Patrick Stone
PR in lektura / PR and proof-reading: Helena Božič
Zahvala / Thanks: Maska Ljubljana, Maja Lovrenov, Vesna Krebs, Alice Chauchat

Produkcija / Production: LJUDMILA, ljubljanski digitalni laboratorij za medije in kulturo pri KUD France Prešeren Trnovo / Ljubljana digital media and culture lab at KUD France Prešeren Trnovo

Projekt je finančno podprlo Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Mestna občina Ljubljana. (Ljubljana 2010/2011) / The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Town Municipality of Ljubljana. (Ljubljana 2010/2011)

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