
My Intense Labor & Delivery||THE BIRTH OF BABY JRU

The moral to this labor and delivery story is don't wait until the last minute if you're thinking about getting the epidural ladies....IT WILL NOT WORK!!!! LOL Also I waited all this time and realize my labor & delivery could be a lesson to myself for baby number 4 so I'll watch this along with others to know what I may try to do differently this go round. We know things don't always go as planned. I also know I now will avoid getting my water broken because that made things 10x worse. Kinda like pitocin does which is why I opted out of that. My husband had just barely made it in from Germany on rotation. By the time I picked him up from the airport my contractions had started and I was being induced the next morning. I loved my doctor so I wanted to be sure he was the one delivering since he came in on a day he added to his schedule for my husband and I. This was the ONLY reason I let him break my water. Also I couldn't stand my nurse but thats a whole other story.


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