
[VOCALOID3] Oliver - I'll Quit Singing

I've seen so many comments of people saying Oliver is basically Len just in English, and I can't help but think of how stupid they are.

Besides them being younger and blonde they have almost nothing in common.
Oliver is in a sailor like out fit, and Len is wearing a school uniform outfit. Len's hair is in a small ponytail with banana bangs, Oliver's is longer and more shaggy. Oliver's eyes are yellow and Lens are blue. Len's voice comes from a 26ish women and Oliver's come from a 13ish year old boy.
I know Vocaloids can be similar but when they have like 3 similarities and like 7 differences, I THINK THAT MEANS THEY'RE DIFFERENT.

Yes Vocaloids will have things in common (for one Sonika and Oliver have similar voices, they're both softer, young, and with out editing them they can sound a bit muffled), but a lot of comparisons are made are stupid. Like; "RYUUTO AND GUMI HAVE GREEN HAIR SO THEIR THE SAME PERSON!!!1!!"
/ends rant

MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?k2fvgws62l1vzf3

I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all!
I'm sick of every one telling me that I'm the English Len!
I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all!
You can go find yourself another victim, I give up!

Ever since the day my demo was released,
People said I was the latest shota,
And they started comparing me to
the Len Kagamine.

I don't even sound anything like him.
We have almost no similarities.
Well okay, maybe we're both blonde but that's
About as many things in common that I can think of.

Why must people always compare the Vocaloids?
Of course we won't be a hundred percent different,
But it never seems to happen to the Crypton-loids.
Unless they're saying how much we all
Sound like them and how we're not unique!

I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all!
I'm sick of every one telling me that I'm the English Len!
I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all!
You can go find yourself another victim I give up!

I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all!
Will you people please stop making stupid comparisons now?
I don't want people to think of me as "English Len!"

What the fuck?

VSQ by Sango312, Editting by me.
Off vocal by her I asume.
Original by Namahage-P
Picture from here: http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.....%2B7liTGrl4%3D
Oliver by PowerFX/VocaTone.


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