
Mariah Carey - The Wind

Carey decided that a jazz standard would contribute to the album's soulful/R&B-influenced feel, and she contacted Russell Freeman. With his permission she began to write new lyrics for his new song "The Wind", and she had been inspired to write it after the death of a friend in a car accident. Sony/Columbia executives felt "The Wind" carried a universal theme that could be applied to the album, and it was considered as the album's title. They also thought it would be fitting as Carey's first name originated from the song "They Call the Wind Mariah". Because its first single was "Emotions", the album was titled Emotions.

The wind has taken you
You're free finally at peace
So still you lie
Leaving your cares behind

The pain is gone
Gone with the spirit in your eyes
Now you're wandering around
Above us
Looking downyard
As we cry

You've flown into the wind
Escaping all the hurt within
Took to the sky
Leaving the world behind

So young to die
How could you let it all pass you by

And to the wind go so many dreams
That you held inside
Now you're just a memory
Burning in my mind

So young to die
How could you let life pass you by
And now you'll never know I loved you
And now you'll never know I cared

I really loved you
And now you'll never know

You'll only fade
Into the wind

New Lyrics: Mariah Carey
Music: Russell Freeman

Bosendorfer SE Grand Piano, Synclavier Acoustic Bass, Strings, Vibes and Synthesizers: Walter Afanasieff
Guitars: Vernon "Ice" Black
Drums: Steve Smith
Synclavier/Akai Programming: Ren Klyce
Synclavier/Macintosh Programming: Gary Cirimelli

Recorded at Skywalker Sound, Marin County, The Plant Recording Studios, Sausalito and Right Track Recording, New York City
Engineer: Dana Jon Chapelle
Additional Engineering: Bob Edwards
Assistand Engineers: Bruce Calder, Craig Silvey, Manny LaCarruba and M.T. Silvia
Mixed by Dana Jon Chapelle at Right Track Recording, New York City

© 1991 Encore Music (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Used without permission.

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