The Freebirth Water Birth of Jace Aiden

**Edited to add: I know that not everyone agrees with my decision for my daughter to be present for the birth, and that's fine. However, she *loved* it, and had quite adamantly insisted beforehand that she be present (and had gone so far as to tell me she'd be mad if the baby came at night and I didn't wake her up). Every child is different, and some may not have been ready for this, but she was.

Also, I know I know, it sucks when dad pushed her out of the way. It had irked me then, but being in the middle of pushing out a baby I hadn't had the mental faculties to do anything about it. To his credit, he'd done what he thought was best (I have a hard grip and he worried I might accidentally hurt her). Additionally, not that it's overly pertinent, he and I split up a month after this video (for mostly unrelated reasons).


On November 18, 2015, after a week or more of prodromal labor, Jace Aiden was welcomed into the world by his mommy, daddy, and big sister and brother. It was a calm, peaceful birth, and we are so blessed to have this little spirit in our home.


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