
Homebirth, natural birth of big baby with brow presentation and shoulder dystocia


We have this thought built up in our minds that birth has to be easy in order for us to be successful. That we can’t survive it unless it happens seamlessly. When we think that birth has to be “perfect”, we create emergency and chaos around anything that happens that’s outside of “perfect”. We became distressed and full of panic around situations that in most cases can be resolved with skill and effort. No one and nothing is perfect. So why do we expect the unpredictability of birth to be perfect?

It can be “difficult”. It can require your provider to be skillful and calm. It can shake you to your core and push you to your limit, and when you reach your limit, it requires more of you. And you have to give more because you have no other choice. You’re in this moment and there’s no tapping out or tagging someone else in.

🕊I do not expect you to be “perfect”.
🕊I do not expect your baby to behave “perfect”.
🕊I do not want you to feel shame or guilt because your birth requires more effort.

“Difficult” or “easy”, you are a birthing goddess and that’s all I expect you to be.

This birth goddess roared out her 11lb posterior baby with brow presentation and mild case of shoulder dystocia at home.

💥Whatever comes your way, you can do it.
💥I believe in you.
💥You are a badass.
💥You got this.
💥You came to kick ass and take names.


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