
Marshmallow Kitten: Week 5 of many Firsts

After the first month, kitten Marshmallow has achieved many "firsts" during her 5th week of life.

Her first set of teeth is growing out, causing her to practically chew everything in sight. Some of her favorite targets are human hands and anything plastic. To assuage her itch to chew, we bought her some toys just for that purpose, which she quickly took a liking to. With chewing came an increased interest in scratching and swiping her small paw at anything she could get her hands on, including iPads, and our socks and pants. We used this opportunity to introduce her to a sisal scratching post.

Marshy also first started to lick mama Mochi's food and water bowls during this week, signaling that she's ready for weaning. What charmingly messy times weaning can be. And with weaning came litter box training. Marshmallow sure let us know that she was ready to go on her own when she suddenly started crying and sniffing in one corner of the room, settling down with a semi-intensely focused gaze while she did her business. From then on, we would place her in a small litter box (with non-clumpable litter) after meals and active play. She quickly caught on from there, and now goes to #1 on her own :D

First taste of independence. Marshmallow has learned to climb over barriers, and run away from pursuers. She now prefers to roam in an open space, and would vocally complain if she were enclosed in a small area when she was in a mood to play. And play seems to be her mindset whenever she's awake nowadays. She loves to playfully interact with mama Mochi as well as her humans. One especially cute move that she has is her "high 5's."

More pictures at : http://sweetfurr.blogspot.com/2012/04/week-5-ends-with-high-fives.html


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