Speaking of Art As Air: Andy Golub

Art As Air first came in contact with Andy Golub’s work at his 2014 NYC Body Painting Day, and we were moved to do an Artitorial about it then. Body Painting Days, along with his other spontaneous “pop-up” painting events challenge all of the mundane rules and regulations regarding the mix of art and public nudity. Andy, along with several of his models, was arrested in 2011, and successfully fought to change those laws. As a result, NYC has finally acknowledged that public nudity is legal if it's part of an artistic expression. Andy’s recent 2015 Body Painting Day was a media and human event that served to show how much his philosophy and practices are beginning to resonate, and we were moved to dub it the “Woodstock of art.”
See Andy's full profile on artasair.com.


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