
amazarashi - 千年幸福論 eng lyrics

amazarashi - 千年幸福論 (theory of a thousand years of joy)
この地上にあるもの全てが 時と共に形変え行くものならば
if everything on this earth changes form with time
僕らが抱いてる貴いものに 本当にすがる価値はあるのでしょうか
is it really worth my holding onto everything i hold dear?
気まぐれに摘んだ たおやかな花は 見る影もなく醜く枯れた
to gently pluck a soft flower and watch it fade and become ugly--
そんな風に変わってしまうかな とても優しいあなたも
i wonder if you too, as gentle as you are, will change the same way

千年続く愛情を 千年続く友情を 千年続く安心を 千年続く幸福を
give me one thousand years of love, one thousand years of friendship,
one thousand years of reassurance, one thousand years of happiness
僕らは望んで止まないけれど そんなもの何処にありましょうか
we will never stop hoping for it—but where on earth can you find such things?

電車の脱線事故が起こったって 夕方のテレビニュースでやっている
when the evening news broadcasts a train accident earlier that day,
亡くなった人の家族や恋人の 悲しみに目をそむけてしまう
the families and lovers of the victims turn their eyes away in grief and sorrow
終わりはいつかやってくると知った時 初めて人が愛しくなる
the moment we realize that the inevitable is always near, only then do we love people more
あなたじゃなくて良かったと思う僕は やはり浅ましい人間でしょうか
when i thought to myself, thank god it wasn’t you—i’m an abhorrent human being, aren’t i

千年続く愛情を 千年続く友情を 千年続く安心を 千年続く幸福を
give me one thousand years of love, one thousand years of friendship,
one thousand years of reassurance, one thousand years of happiness
馬鹿げた事かもしれないけれど あなたよどうか生きていて
it’s such a foolish thing to think, but i want you to somehow live forever

wouldn’t you laugh if i told you that i couldn’t live without you?
僕がいなくても生きていくあなたを 「悲しい」と言ってはいけませんか?
and if i passed away—if you kept living without me, would it be impossible for you to say it’s sad?

千年続く愛情を 千年続く友情を 千年続く安心を 千年続く幸福を
give me one thousand years of love, one thousand years of friendship,
one thousand years of reassurance, one thousand years of happiness,
千年続く自負心を 千年続く安らぎを 千年続く友愛を 千年続く熱情を
give me one thousand years of pride, one thousand years of tranquility,
one thousand years of companionship, one thousand years of passion,
千年続くいたわりを 千年続く尊厳を 千年続く生命を 千年続く喜びを
give me one thousand years of care, one thousand years of dignity,
one thousand years of life, one thousand years of bliss
終わりがあるから美しい そんなの分かりたくもないよ
that there is an end, it makes our life beautiful—but it is something i don’t want to understand

give me one thousand years of happiness--
the end always comes too fast


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