
How to Have a Natural Birth at Hospital | Pregnancy

Watch more Pregnancy 101 videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/501212-How-to-Have-a-Natural-Birth-at-Hospital-Pregnancy

So in order to have a natural birth at a hospital there are a lot of things to consider. You might want to consider your care provider. You want to look for a care provider who is supportive of natural birth. You really want people who can be supportive of your choices, supportive of your need to move, supportive of your need to eat and drink throughout the labor, and really doing everything that they can to help comfort you and dealing with the all of the sensations of labor. And thinking about having a natural birth, you really wanna make sure that you have access to a bath tub or a shower, even a hot water bottle, anything that will allow you to have the use of water to help with pain management or coping techniques for labor. And thinking about having a natural birth at a hospital, you might want to consider taking a child birth education class in your community. Some people believe that taking a child birth education class at a hospital is more about being taught how to be a good patient at that hospital. If you find a child birth education class in your community, you might find more information about natural birth and different coping techniques to use for having a natural birth at a hospital. The other thing to consider when thinking about having a natural birth at a hospital is really just keeping an open mind, being flexible, and open to all the possibilities that pregnancy and birth can bring. You want to be true to yourself, listen to yourself, and trust in the process, and having a natural child birth at a hospital is definitely a possible.


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