
Bach, Contrapunctus 9, Art of Fugue (Kunst der Fuge)

J. S. Bach's Contrapunctus 9 from the Art of Fugue (Kunst der Fuge), with conventional score, bar-graph score, and video of hands playing it.

Q: Where can I get the sheet music for this piece?
A: The score in the video can be downloaded from here:

Q: What instrument is that?
A: It's actually two instruments: a piano (the one in my living room) and a sampled pipe organ (an Alborn-Galanti Silbermann Archiv). The piano has MIDI Out (from a Moog PianoBar) which was recorded and played back to play the organ.

Q: How did you make this video?
A: First I videotaped myself playing it, and recorded both the audio (from my Kimball grand piano) and MIDI (from a Moog PianoBar attached to the piano). Then, I rerecorded the audio and MIDI for each of the four voices separately; I did this so that I could color-code the video based on voice and to get a performance that was a little cleaner (it also afforded me the opportunity to add a 16-foot stop to the bass line in a few places). The conventional score is from screenshots from the notation program Sibelius, and the bar-graph score was generated from the MIDI using my own custom software. All these things were assembled in Adobe Premiere and converted to Flash with the On2 Flix converter.

Q: I'm having trouble reading the score.
A: It's a little better if you watch it in high-quality mode:

Q: Could you please do a MAM video of _________?
A: Please read this:

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