
Homebirth of Hazel Rose... Part 1

Our darling baby was born on 11th May 2010, our home/ waterbirth was the most amazing experience. The birth was so quick and straight forward thanks to hypnobirthing and the calm, relaxed atmosphere.

My waters broke at 5am and I got up and began to get the house cleaned and set up for the birth while i was having mild contractions for most of the morning, stopping to breath through the contractions. We started to fill the pool and by the time I got in at 12 pm my contractions were becoming more intense. They were increasingly stronger untill I felt pressure and the urge to push half an hour later. Once i started pushing i felt her head coming down on one push, then the next push i had the biggest contraction and pushed the whole way through and mangaged to get her whole head out in one go! I then squatted upright and delivered the rest of her body into my arms. It all happened so fast I was amazed at my body's ability! It was the best experience and i cant wait to do it all over again!! lol


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