
" Nefertiti " Jazz Trumpet / Augusta Jazz Funk Band #60

Wayne Shorterによるこの曲は Miles Davisは1967年、電化する前の最後のアルバムタイトル曲です。コード進行は複雑かつ自由度が低く。アドリブは難しい。

2007.12.15 前橋ジャズハウスオーガスタにて
Augusta Jazz Funk Band 60回目の月例ライブ
Augusta Jazz Funk Band

Nefertiti is an Egyptian queen of the middle part in the 14th century B.C.
A mother-in-law of Tutankhamen. She is famous for an unfinished beautiful bust. It is thought with one of the ancient Egyptian beautiful women.
(from Wikipedia)

This music by Wayne Shorter is the last album title music before Miles Davis installs electrical appliances in 1967. The degree of freedom to win complicatedly is low in the chord progression. The ad lib is difficult.


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