
Unassisted home birth of Owen | Aga in America

My unassisted home birth was a planned birth, not an accident. There was me, my husband Nathan and our friend Meghan. My son was born at 40 weeks 5 days pregnant, weighed 8.9 lbs and was totally healthy. Labor started with light contractions on Friday at around 5 PM, in the late evening they got more intense and I gave birth on Saturday at 11:48 PM. It was a long, tiring and intense experience but also beautiful. The entire labor was pain free. I allowed my body to birth my baby without pushing or interrupting. Now I know how my children should be born :).

A childbirth is one of the most important and unique experiences in my life. I’d even say the most important and the most unique because if I go back in my memory to the rest, what would be even with this one? Arriving in the US? Getting married? Of course it all was amazing and unique but I can’t compare these to giving birth to a new human.

The human body is amazing. It does a good job not only while pregnant when a tiny human grows inside of it but also during labor and delivery when this baby comes to this world. I am proud of myself and it’d be amazing if each one of you, together with me, treated your bodies with the respect and love it deserves. What happened with me when I gave birth to a baby was amazing and beautiful and there’s nothing about it to be embarrassed about. This isn’t something that should be hidden or something we shouldn’t talk about. In my opinion looking at my own body in such an important moment of my life is totally normal and I do get very sad when I read some of your messages in which you share that you wouldn’t be able to look at yourself “in such a state” because “it’s gross”. If you don’t want to take photos of yourself while in labor then at least get a hand held mirror you can grab if you feel like it and see your baby being born :).

Seems like my new goal is to normalize childbirth, such a natural thing. I’m definitely going to go back to it later.

All the photos and videos were taken by my awesome friend Meghan Stewart Photography:

Read more on my blog: http://www.againamerica.com/en/

I myself underwent a double mastectomy two years ago and because of this I'm not able to breastfeed. If you're not able to breastfeed please consider buying or receiving donations from women who are willing to share their milk. This is what we do and Owen is thriving. ***


/ / F O L L O W M E

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* Jeśli chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu moich filmów, tytułów oraz opisów na inne języki lub w dodawaniu polskich napisów dla tych, którzy są niesłyszący to klikaj na ten link - http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UCTQjDV5__D3XhyfwH2ct-oA - i wiedz, że jestem Ci NIESAMOWICIE wdzięczna za pomoc :))

Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time!

Music: http://epidemicsound.com


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